Author Archives: Angel

out with the old…in with the new


Just a reminder that this site will no longer be updating.   I had a couple of scheduled posts that I forgot to cancel but there are no more.  For more posts go to my active site:

Some things that you can look forward to on the new site are

  1. Dream solo trip to Barcelona
  2. Man Stealing Apple Pie
  3. Recessionista Home Makeover
  4. DIY Kool Poppin LipGloss

So go check out the NEW and IMPROVED and frequently UPDATED site:

Perfect Dream Vacation(s)

Has anyone ever asked you, “If you could go anywhere in the world where would you go?”  When I am on a super tight budget , which is always…until I marry My-Future-Husband-Shia-Labeouf, I like to just go online and plan a trip for the hell of it.  Here are a couple:

Bangkok, Thailand

First of all, Thailand is the area that used to be Siam.  Remember Siam, where Yul Brynner was king (Rogers and Hammerstein’s The King and I).  I’m good with a weekend trip but I simply MUST see Siam Niramit!

Sydney Australia


It has been a fantasy of mine for quite some time now to go to Australia.  After visiting the famous Opera House, I would flirt my way into some surfing lessons with one of the locals (ie my Sydney Weekend Boyfriend) and then end the night with some Yellow Tail wine at the Royal Botanic Garden’s.

Barcelona, Spain


If you like this prompt check out others (’cause I didn’t like all of them lol)


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Write a post inspired by this one word: Marriage

I admit it…I am a girl.  I have planned my wedding since I was 16.

Hit the Road Jack!

5 style trends you hope never come back into style

Guilty Pleasures

What are your 5 guilty pleasures?

Dream Dinner Party

Prompt: If you could meet any celebrity dead or alive, who would it be?


Hello Everyone!

Just in case you didn’t know…cause I didn’t pay for the redirection thing.  I have a new site.  I wanted to do some cool things with the site so I bit the bullet and bought my domain.  Gurlish Figure can now be found @


See you there!

Reading List for 2014

2013-06-30 16.35.05

I am REALLY trying to read more!  Even though I am getting addicted to more and more shows (thank you AfterBuzz TV), there are sooo many movies that I want to see and I am getting a little more crafty this year…or at least trying to.  I’m also writing more!  But there are a few books that I want to read this year:

  1. Beautiful Chaos (Beautiful Creatures #3)- Kami Garcia
  2. Beautiful Redemption (Beautiful Creatures #4)- Kami Garcia
  3. City of Bones- Clare
  4. Odalisque (Percheron #1)- Fiona McIntosh
  5. Emissary (Percheron #2)- Fiona McIntosh
  6. Goddess (Percheron #3)- Fiona McIntosh
  7. The Song of Arbonne- Guy Gavriel Kay 
  8. Passage to India- E.M. Foster
  9. The Rosetta Key (Ethan Gage #2)- William Dietrich
  10. After Havana- Charles Fleming
  11. The DaVinci Code- Dan Brown

I am going to update this post periodically to update which books I have read and maybe give my response to it.

Have you read anything on my list?  Are they worth it, is there anything on here that you think I should not read.  Crazy idea…if there is a book that you want to read and want to read with me and talk about it…like a cyber book club or something COMMENT BELOW!  That could be really fun!

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Self Assurance and Self Acceptance


Do you love yourself, as is? Do you wish you were more comfortable in your own skin?

I will admit, that like most women (including supermodels) that there are some things that I would like to change.  You know the length and texture of my hair or my waistline, the flap and shake of my arms and thighs.  The funny thing is that most of those things I can fix…or at least attempt to.  I started wearing wigs a few months ago so I can change the length and style of my hair by the hour if I want.  Eventually I will lose all the weight and that will solve the other issues.  Most people would say that because I do these things that I am not comfortable in my own skin but I think that I am.

I know that I don’t look like a supermodel and I’m okay with it.  I am secure in my insecurities. Granted I’m not bold enough to be 265 lbs and wear a wear a crop top in public exposing ALL my belly flesh, but I applaud those that do.

I would say that I love myself as is.  Not because of the additions and subtractions that I use on the semi daily.  Insecure or not I have always had a different vision of my self in my mind then I did in the mirror.  I have also worked very hard at being comfortable in my own skin, but it was never for my looks.  I sometimes feel that I have a personality flaw that I can’t pinpoint.  That there is something in my manner and behaviours that rub people the wrong way or causes them to rub me the wrong way.  I’ll get upset for about 5 hours and then decide that I don’t care.

I’m sure that I would be more comfortable in my skin if I had skin that was more social acceptable. Not saying that I was paler or anything, just if I was the type of girl that more than a mother could love.  But on the other hand, I would hate it it I was a cookie cutter kind of girl.

So in conclusion to all of my ramblings.  Yes.  I do love myself, and I think that I am pretty comfortable in my skin.

What do you think?  How do you feel about this prompt?

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Letter to My Future Husband


So it is Valentine’s Day (2014) and I just wanted to say a few things.  First of all, I can’t wait to meet you.  As I am sure you know I am not a very patient person, but I’m sure we will link up eventually.  I figured now would be as good a time as any to thank you for a few things and also to apologize for a few others.  Let’s try the thank you’s first:

  1. LOVING ME!  I know sometimes it’s not easy sometimes
  2. Laughing with me, but never at me
  3. Everytime you kiss my shoulder
  4. encouraging me and believing in my dreams
  5. pretending to understand me and accepting me anyway
  6. Reminding me that I am beautiful, it’s really easy for me to forget
  7. Knowing that sometimes I just need my space, and giving it to me
  8. Always cleaning the kitchen
  9. Being my protector against spiders (especially the really big ones)
  10. Watching all the movies that I love so that you understand my movie references
  11. Making sure that I don’t turn into a recluse
  12. Accepting the fact that I (and my family) am a gaseous person

Now that I have buttered you up…I would like to apologize for the following

  1. Snoring and occasional drool
  2. Gas
  3. My OCD tendencies
  4. My massive, DVD, Book, Vinyl,  and Shoe collections
  5. Never wanting to clean the kitchen
  6. The constant movie references (we’ll work on it)
  7. Sometimes shutting you out, bad habits die hard–you know?

I’ve always thought of my self as a “Beautiful Mess” but I’m glad you stuck around and chose to love me because of it and not inspite of it.

Love You…More than you know


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